We're committed to helping you
1915 -.Oakland, Alameda & Berkeley Directory - p. 643 ACP, Residence 6440 Benvenue. Harriet F.P. Res. 6440 Benvenue.
AC wins Desmond Cup.
First cars allowed into Yosemite Valley
2 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 ``Yosemite friends of A.C. Pillsbury will regret to hear that he has recently suffered the loss of his son, Ernest, in San Francisco. No details of the sad occurrence are known here. The mother of Mr. Pillsbury is also reported to be very ill."
9 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 ``A.C. Pillsbury arrives in Yosemite Valley
Saturday (Jan
2) from San Francisco to take more views of the park for his motion picture reels."
19 - Letter on Pillsbury Picture Company stationery from AC to Sec. of the interior, Washington DC.Written from 783 Mission St.
Secretary of the interior (Typed and signed)
Washington D. C.
Dear Sir:

Application for a renewal of my photographic permit in the Yosemite Valley Park on the same terms as last year is respectfully requested, to wit, Buildings known as “Pillsbury’s Studio”, occupying about one-tenth of an acre and located west of the Degnan residence and south of the W.D. Thornton grocery store, with the privilege of carrying on a general photographic business in same. Also permit to keep the necessary saddle or driving animals to valley on the business, care of same being under the Superintendent’s jurisdiction.

Payment for the above to be One Hundred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars June First, 1915, and One Hundred and Fifty ($150.00) Dollars August First, 1915.

Your favorable reply to above application is respectfully requested.
23 - Letter to Mr. Mark Daniels, General Superintendent & Landscaper Engineer of National Parks, Act. Superintendent of Yosemite National Park. ,Monadonock Bldg. San Francisco, Calif. From Supervisor, no name given .
Letter forwards AC’s request for the issuance of a new permit along with the suggestion that the rate be increased to the same as Boysen’s, $400.00 for the year. It notes that Pillsbury Studio is really a branch of his SF operation.
2 - Letter on Stationary, Dept of Interior, Washington D. C. To Mr. Gabriel Sovulewski, Supervisor of Yosemite national Part, Yosemite, Calif.

Letter reiterates the details in AC’s letter with increase to reflect larger amounts paid by other concessionaires and also notes that payment of first amount will be May 1st. Signed by Stephen Tl Mather, Assist. to the Secretary. 
4 - Letter to AC from Sovuleski, Supervisor informing him that his permit has been approved. Payment to be in certified check or money order payable to the Secretary of the Interior.
13 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:4 ``A.C. Pillsbury, the artist, who has come into the valley since my last letter (Feb. 23) is busy and fill of enthusiasm as always. Sunday he made a journey to Glacier Point..."
20 - Mariposa Gazette - (Sat.) 1:3 ``A.C. Pillsbury while at Glacier Point last week was right in the snow of the mountains and as he wasthere also a year ago the information (on snow depth) is authoritative. Mr. Pillsbury.. .performed an unusual feat by ascending to the summit of Sentinel Dome 6200 feet above the floor of the valley with deep snow everywhere to contend with. Over ten hours were occupied in making the trip up..."
``The Pillsbury studio is to be enlarged by an addition to the rear...The force of saleswomen usually employed in the studio is to be
doubled in anticipation of an unusually prosperous season."
5 -

Mr. A.C. Pillsbury
Payment must be made before the eighth of each month.
Electric current - 48 K.W.H.
13 - Objections to Engrossed Bill and Notice of Motion to Strike from files.
Title Insurance & Trust Co. Motion to deny the bill of exceptions.
13 - Objections to Engrossed Bill and notice of Motion to Strike from files - By our
good friends at Title Insurance & Trust Co.
17 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 (First auto of season in over Wawona
Road -
a Studebaker) ``A.C. Pillsbury, the artist, accompanied them
as far
as Wawona on the outgoing trip."
1 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 ``The Pillsbury studio broke its record for post
card sales one day recently by selling one woman postals to the amount of twelve dollars."
10 - Letter from G. Sovuleski, Yosemite Super, to General Super of Landscape Engineer of National Park Daniels, but not named. Payment was made in four money orders, numbers given. Receipt is requested.
22 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 (Gove. Fielder of New Jersey and party of 30
coming into the Valley.) ``Part of the program for their entertainment will be a moving picture show tomorrow evening in the pavilion. Through the courtesy of A.C. Pillsbury six reels of views covering Yosemite park and the high Sierras will be shown. These are certain to give pleasure to everyone fortunate enough to be present. Beginning Friday evening, Mr. Pillsbury will give each evening during the summer a first class moving picture show on the spacious veranda of his studio, which will be free to the public...Mr. Pillsbury has recently procured the latest model motor driven motiongraph for use at these performances. "
5 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 ``A miraculous escape from serious injury was
experienced by A.C. Pillsbury last Wednesday (May 26) while coming from Glacier Point. At a part of the trail called the `Railroad' his horse took fright and backed off the grade with its rider. They fell about 50 feet on an 80 percent incline and landed on a small shelf of earth. Mr. Pillsbury sustained bruises on his head and face but was able to get back on the trail and continue to the village. The animal was so badly injured that it was necessary to shoot him. The horse was a valuable thoroughbred which Mr. Pillsbury had rented for a season."
12 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 ``Arthur, Ernest, and Grace Pillsbury came up from San Francisco Sunday (June 6) to spend the summer with their uncle, A.C. Pillsbury."
19 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 (re: 4th of July plans) ``Scenes from Lost Arrow legend
will be given and motion pictures will portray the romance of the young brave and the beautiful Indian maiden whose tragic ending gave rise to the legend of the lost arrow. A.C. Pillsbury
is chairman of the committee in charge."
19 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 ``Mrs. Julius C. Rockett of Oakland is an interesting addition to Yosemite. For the Pillsbury studio she is
doing oil paintings on a photographic basis. Her work is exquisite
and the demand for the paintings is greater than can be supplied.
3 - Mariposa Gazette - 4:2 ``At Genry's last Sunday in quest of moving picture material, A.C. Pillsbury had an interesting meeting with a young black bear. ... A good picture of the bear was secured."
9 - Notice of Motion - Motion to reimburse minors and guardians for cost of
transcripts and briefs. Order shortening time. Affidavit by
William A. Nunlist. Minors have appealed to the Supreme Court of California.
9 - Affidavit of William Evans as service on O.P. Clark of Copy of Notice
- Service of suit on Title Insurance and Trust Co.
10 - Mariposa Gazette - (re: Fourth of July) ``A.C. Pillsbury, the chairman of the day, was seemingly everywhere during the day diffusing enthusiasm from his goodly store of that commodity."
13 - Administrator's Proposed Amendments to Proposed Bill of Exceptions
and Statement of the Case of the Pillsbury's Minors on Appeal to the Supreme Court
from the Order Denying their Petition to Set Aside the Insurance Money as Being Exempt.
13 - Administrator's Proposed Amendments to Proposed Bill of
Exceptions and Statement of the Case of the Pillsbury's minors on Appeal to the Supreme Court
From the Order Settling and Allowing the First and Final Account and the Final Decree of Distribution Made in this Matter.
13 - Proposed bill of Exceptions and Statement of the Case - This is the
case that Arthur C. Pillsbury and AEtheline presented on behalf of
the minors.
21 – Letter on letter head of Dept of the Interior, Office of the General Super and landscape engineer of National Parks, San Francisco, California, Monadnock Building. To Mr. Geo. V. Bell, Supt, Yosemite, Cal.
Dear Sir:

Regarding the 3,000 ft. of film that Mr. Pillsbury is going to take of the scenes in Yosemite National Park this year, I have to request that about 1,000 ft. of this film be made covering the duties and life of the Park Ranger. I think that you should go to a good deal of trouble to see that this subject is fully, attractively and dramatically portrayed. The Park Ranger should be seen in his simple housekeeping within and without his lodge. He should be patrolling his trails, putting up and mending signs, directing pedestrians, helping campers, arresting poachers, putting out a forest fire if possible, shooting a bob cat or other destructive animal if possible, feeding deer - and all the myriad of things an interesting kind that he does. I have no doubt that there are plenty of very interesting things he does that I have not thought of which can be covered in this picture. Of course it will take some brains and a little dramatic talent to get this thing up. I can not think of any one on your staff who could direct this unless it be yourself. It is hardly likely that you can spare time to give this question the thought that it will require.

Mr. Pillsbury can undoubtedly make some valuable suggestions. I would suggest that you take the matter up with Chief Park Ranger Prien. get his idea on the subject and see if something good can not be worked out. There is one important thing that should be brought up to Mr. Pillsbury's attention and that is - after the film is taken, to be on any use it must be carefully manufactured. It must have explanatory cards running very freely through it to point out the different things in words that the Park Ranger is doing. This is the only way to make the film either valuable or interesting.

There is to be 3,000 ft. of this film according to Mr. Pillsbury's contract and some thought and consideration should be given to the headings or words with reference to subjects on all of the films. These picture should be taken in the very near future before the water on the falls get so low that they lose part of their beauty.
7 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:4 ``A.C. Pillsbury headed an interesting group of climbers who made ascent of Half Dome recently. In the party of seventeen were six ladies. A ladder of spikes was their means of accomplishing this
dangerous and difficult feat. Mr. Pillsbury
took motion pictures of the scene."
21 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 (ACP reported an unprecedented volume of
business in his studio - with 2 months left in season, he had already exceeded last year's sales by more than $1,000.)
21 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 (ACP returned from 8 day trip thru Hetch Hetchy - took motion pictures) ``They will be added to those already entertaining and instructing audiences each evening on the veranda of the Pillsbury Studio."
28 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 (ACP went to SF Sunday (Aug. 22) taking home Arthur and Grace) ``The young people are his wards being children of his deceased brother." NOTE - This is inaccurate, the children were adopted.
15 - Payment of money to guardians - Asks for money to be paid to the
guardians to reimburse them for the amount of not more than $275.00 for costs of petition. Comments that petition was denied.
30 - Letter from AC on PPC Stationary to:

Mr Geo. Bell

Supt., Yosemite National Park

Dear Sir: -

I have recently returned from a trip through the Southern Section of the Park, and through the country thrown out of the Park by the Act of Oct. 1st., 1890; and I am writing you to see if it were not possible to start some kind of agitation to have this section comprising an area of perhaps one fifth of the present area of the Park put back within its boundaries.

The country containing as you may see by the pictures enclosed with this, is best Alpine Scenery we have. It compares very favorably with anything in the Canadian Rockies or in Alaska that I have seen. This summer the Sierra Club located a lakelet having an active glacier flowing into it with bergs breaking off occasionally upon which they were able to sail across the Lake. The scenery is this section as a whole is the finest I have seen in traveling over six hundred miles this summer, covering almost every trail in the Park.

Thousand Island and Garnet Lakes situated as they are at the base of Mts. Ritter and Banner are the most beautiful lakes that I have ever seen; and the little lakelet at the base of the Minarets with the active Glacier in it is simply a “Gem.” I understand this land was thrown out on account of its mineral and grazing value. On our trip we passed only one prospector’s camp. They were just starting work when we went by at nine. On our return at two they had quit, and a big Swede seven foot tall, was sitting on a lot driving hob nails in his shoes. The other man was looking at him. The Swede remarked, “I wore my shoes out trying to kill a buck”. That is the class of people who have prospects and are holding them hoping some millionaire will come along and buy them out. The land is grazed over by what John Muir calls, “Mountain Parasites”. The sheep practically kill the grass which in effect tends to destroy the forests and dry up the Springs. This is very noticeable to us as we were concerned in finding food for our horses.

I trust that some way will be found to restore this wonderful scenic section of the Sierra to the permanent protection of the Department and preserve it for the pleasure of future generations.
1 - Letter to AC Pillsbury from Geo. bell, Supt. Quote from letter of Sept. 17th regarding stock and its stabling. Says that the Park Service wants to discontinue stabling and suggests that Pillsbury use the services of Mr. Coffman.
16 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 (A conference of park people in
D.C. beginning Friday, Oct. 15, ACP present.)
23 - Mariposa Gazette - (D.A. Curry in East Also - showing
Yosemite &
Camp Curry films - if successful, will show them around
20 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:2 ``A.C. Pillsbury returned to Yosemite
Friday, Nov. 12 from Wash. D.C.)" ...he was successful in securing
valuable concessions in Yosemite park and received the
endorsement of the Interior Department for his Yosemite Motion
pictures. Mr. Pillsbury has the exclusive rights for two years time to
show Yosemite legends in motion pictures. To estimate the value of
this concession it must be known that more than $5000 will be the
cost of preparing them for production."
16 - Letter on PPC stationary

Sect. of the Interior

Washington D.C.

With this I am filing my report for the past season and respectfully ask for a renewal of my concession. I will require three animals next year to do my work and wish to stable them in the government barn as in past years, there being no other suitable place. Would also respectfully request the right to use my auto in the park when on photographics trips or working on my Indian legends. Also in the event of my desiring to build a mew studio near Mr. Desmond’s Hotel, that a suitable location to be given me and that I be allowed to conduct both places if I so desire.

Thanking you in advance for the above concessions, I am.

Arthur C. Pillsbury
27 - Letter for warding AC letter with financial statement to Sec. of Interior. From G. Sovuleski, Super. Yosemite.