1914 - Oakland, Alameda & Berkeley Directory - p. 727 ACP as in 1913 listing.
Harriet F.P. (widow Harlin) physician business at 6440 Benvenue not in classified.
12 - Letter. From Dept of Interior, Assist. to the Sec. to Wm. T. Littebrant, Yosemite, Acting Super. Asking for information on salary and wagers,
20 - Letter. From Sec. of the Interior, Wash, D.C. to Gaberil Souvewski, Supervisor. Returning copies of duplicate financial report of AC for further information.
3 - On Vista Viviente Films stationary. Letter from AC to W. Littebrant.
Dear Sir, Your letter came between trips and I sent the forward but did not have time to write. I am very glad you like the pictures & trust I will be able to work the flower lovers. Thank you for the idea.

If it turns cold I want to go the the Valley for a set of motion pictures of snow. Mr. Curry tells me their are some restrictions on that branch of work in the National Parks, can you give me any information on that subject? Also if their are any new auto registrations, if the restrictions are removed would like to take one in this summer to use on the floor of the valley. Thanking you again for your advise, I’m Yours, AC Pillsbury
7 - Letter. From Dept of the Interior to Major Littebrant, Acting super, Yosemite. Permit. Pillsbury can keep one horse and one burro in barns of Mr. J. W. Coffman or in the government barns, if that is not practical. From Adolph C. Miller, Assistant to the Sec.
22 - DAY LETTER The Western Union Telegraph Company to AC Pillsbury 910 - 912 Hearst Bldg. SF Cal.

Permit to take motion pictures in Park may be issues from this office upon approval by Department in Washington, which approval may be secured by telegraph, condition being agreement by you in writing to furnish department one positive print of all pictures taken. Weather here has been stormy last few days mostly rain, today clearing about one inch of fresh fallen snow. Opportunity for snow views. Sovulewski, Supervisor
23 - Letter on Vista Viviente Films Stationary to Maj. Wm. Littebrant
Dear Sir: Will you kindly tell me if I can get a permit from you to allow me to take motion pictures of Yosemite or must the request to to Washington. Had planned to go in this week hoping to find favorable weather for a set of snow scenes but your letter left it doubtful if I could take the views or not. The charge seems very high as it will cost me above 75.00 or 80.00 for each thousand feet taken, and we will have to either charge that much more, or cut it off from (gamble) profits. Still I wish to make the views so will thank you for the information.
26 - (Telegram from Gabriel Suvulewski, Supervisor, Yosemite National Park,
to Secretary of the Interior, Washington D.C.) ``Arthur C. Pillsbury, part concessioner, desires privilege of taking motion pictures of snow scenes in park under conditions named in Department letter January fifth, nineteen fourteen. Approval requested by wire."
26 - Letter from AC at 910 Hearst Building, S.F. agreeing to give Dept. of Interior copy of film. Signed.
27 - (Telegram from Adolph C. Miller, Asst of Secty to Supervisor Suvulewski, Yosemite Cal.) ``Authority granted to permit Pillsbury take motion pictures in park recommended your telegram twenty sixth inst. under conditions specified department letter Jany fifth last forward his agreement to department."
9 - Letter on Vista Viviente Films Stationary to Maj. Wm. T, Littebrant.

Dear Sir: Have returned from the valley and on account of not having a storm to give me snow in the trees, took only views up in the mountains, in all above 550 feet, we found the now very deep, Am afraid you will find the trail below Union Point badly taken out. From Glacier to Nevada Falls it took 6 hours & we left a furrow three feet deep in the soft snow and felt like leaving our selves it was such hard work.

Will you please tell me in what shape you want the print, if joined up with titles ready to project or each subject by its self. also where shall I send it? also any information regarding the post card concession or changes that will help mein planning the summers work will be greatly appreciated.
10 - Letter from Maj. Wm T. Littebrant opining that he does not know about the filming, cautioning AC not to do anything with film until her checks with DC.

“Salter will be permitted to sell his present stock to other post card concessioners only, if the latter will purchase his stock at the price heretofore in force. If they decline to relieve him of his stock, I shall see that he receives authority to sell to others. Please answer this letter without delay as I expect to go to the Park next Sunday. Signed, Major, 1st Cavalry, Littebrant.”
10 - Letter to Park Supervisor from Littebrant citing the sending of recommendations on Coffman application and asking if Pillsbury had permission to take films. Signed.
11 - Letter to W. T. Littebrant from Supervisor Sovuleski giving him the Coffman address and copying the permission Pillsbury has acquired to take film.
13 - Letter on Vista Viviente Films Stationary from AC in SF.

Major W.T. Littebrant, Yosemite,

Replying to “Circular letter” of March 6 I would prefer to have your office furnish the garbage cans and platform and attend to the care of same both for the studio and for the stable use.

As you have given the matter considerable thought the better conditions resulting will perhaps reduce the number of flies this summer.

Permission to cover the roof of my studio with rubber of other suitable roofing, and to refloor the front porch and to place rain gutters on roof also to paint the studio is respectfully requested. The above improvements being very necessary.
19 - Decision and Decree of Distribution - Motion of Exception denied. Superior Court of the State of California
21 - Judgment Roll - Copy of certification entered into the Book 217 of said Court,
at page 14. [copy is actually dated September 27, 1915.]
21 - Judgment Roll - Copy of certification entered into the Book 217 of said Court,
at page 14. [copy is actually dated September 27, 1915.]
21 - Letter to AC Pillsbury Enclosed for signature permit in quadruplicate authorizing the concession from November 1, 1913 to October 31, 1914. Send money. Signed with all of his pubah titles.
3 - Notice of Appeal to Supreme Court. Asking for an appeal of the ruling of the lower court to set aside ruling to deny the setting aside as exempt property all proceedings from life insurance, made and entered in the above.
3 - Notice of Appeal to Supreme Court, Asking for an appeal to the decision of the lower court denying the amended exceptions of the minors to the first and final account, report and petition for distribution of the administrator excepting that part of the order denying the administrator's application for extra attorney fees.
3 - Notice of Appeal to Supreme court. Asking for an appeal from the final distribution in the estate of E.S. Pillsbury.
3 - Notice of Appeal to Supreme Court. Appeals the petition of minors and guardians of ruling of lower court which denied the amended petition of the minors to set aside the amended petition to set aside certain real estate for their use. (This was motion on the house in Hollywood)
10 - Letter on Vista Viviente Films Stationary to Maj. Wm Littebrant. (Typed)

Dear Sir:

We are expressing you today completed print of the motion picture views made on my recent trip. These pictures are not being shown at the San Francisco theatres and are booked for the entire state, and the Rail Roads are considering paying us a bonus to put out extra prints advertising the great snow fall which assures high water this summer, and making it a desirable year for Californians to visit the Park.

I have had some correspondence with the Secretary of the inerior at Washington regarding the taking of a set of stand pictures to be used in natioanl Park exhibits at the Expositions next year, and an expecting a reply to my offer for doing this work, very shortly.

I also asked them for a motion picture permit extending through the season, which I presume will meet with your approval. I hope you will be able to see these pictures before sending them to Washington as I am really quite proud of the results accomplished

With kindest regards, I am,

15 - Letter from the Dept of the Interior to Acting Super. Yosemite.
Instructions on the proper packaging for film. It is to be sent registered mail, packed in a tin box which in turn should be enclosed in a wooden case. A tin box will be forwarded by the office in Washington. Signed, Adolph C. Miller, Assistant to the Secretary.
20 - Minors proposed bill of exceptions and statement of the case. Joined ACP as a party to the suit. Premiums from insurance was used to pay E.S.P's debts. Noted is the fact the minors were adopted by ACP in Nov. of 1911. That E.S.P had not given his permission for his. All motions were denied.
Motion was made to petition the Supreme Court.
20 - Minors Proposed Bill of Exceptions. Long document with full text of arguments and inclusions. Refers to specific insurance policies.
5 - Notice. To the Title Insurance and Trust Co., Notice That their bill of amendments is not accepted. Sets court date for May 9, 1914.
5 - Notice. Notice informing Title Insurance and Trust Co. that their amendments settling and allowing the first and final account are not accepted. Matter will be heard May 9, 1914.
18 - Order Extending Time. Extends time allowed to minors and their guardians for their two bills of exceptions together with the Administrator's amendments. To be
presented no later that June 1, 1914.
28 - Notice to Title Insurance and Trust Co. Monday, June 1, 1914, 10 a.m. presentations of bill of exceptions.
30 - Letter on Pillsbury Picture Company stationary (handwritten)
Major Wm. T. Littebrant, Yosemite,

Dear Sir: - Permission to pick for photographic usedonly, samples of any wild flowers in Yosemite is respectfully requested. Thanking you in advance for the favor.
2 - Letter to ACP from Maj. Littebrant stating that AC must come to the office and explain just what flowers he wants to pick and where before matter will be decided.
5 - Notice - To the Title Insurance and Trust Company, a corporation, administrator of E.S.P estate. Presentation of the proposed bill of exceptions and statements.
7 - Statement of account
May 1-31 Electric lights, flat rates:

23 lights at


$ 15.33
May 1-31 Garbage disposal: 13 cans at

May 1st Plumbing: 4 hours at


15 - Notice of Motion Supporting Affidavit and Order Shortening Time - To be served not later that 10 a. m., Thursday, June 11, 1914. It is dated June 10, 1014. Signed by Fredrick W. Houser, Judge of Superior Court. - Notice of Motion - To Title Insurance & Trust Co. Notice of court date for bill of exceptions and statements to be heard. Objections to particulars of the administration of the estate, especially the paying of the J.C. Roeper judgment.
This has argumentation missing from previous papers. - Affidavit - by William A Nunlist, attorney for the minors. Also included is a
transcript of testimony from
November 18, 1913. It runs to several pages and appears to be a flanking attack on the part of Title Insurance & Trust Co.
14 - Letter on Pillsbury Picture Company Stationary to Maj. Wm. Littebrant

Dear Sir: - I have received a number of requests from the automobilists to have their pictures taken with the falls in the background, a suitable location being about 75 yards below my studio, it would delay them less than one minute on their outgoing trip.

Permission to allow them to stay for that short time is respectfully requested. Thanking you in advance I am
15 - Monthly accounting statement
June 1-30 Electric light, 23 lamps, flat rate,
1-30 Water, domestic use


1-30 Garbage disposal, 11 cans
May 16-
June 30
Feed for 2 mules, each per month, at 12,50
June 13 Plumbing labor, 4 hours
Apr. 14 Policing grounds, 1 man, 3 hours
Apr, 7 17 poles, 12 ft. long


Labor:draiver & helper, 3 hours

2 horse team & wagon, 3 hours at
.37 1/2
18 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 ``The Fourth on Yosemite" ``Many handsome
prizes were given. For the most grotesque camping outfit Miss Grace
Pillsbury of Yosemite, was awarded the prize, having Winnier (Winkey?), a well known donkey, decked in female attire drawing a cart loaded with paraphernalia of tenting life.
``The drawing was filled with pleasure through the courtesy of A.J. (sic) Pillsbury who, in the open air, depicted the events of the day in the form of moving pictures. These were true to life and warmly applauded. In addition to the above were shown most interesting winter scenes in Yosemite."
3 - Letter to ACP from Supervisor Gabriel Sovuleski granting permission to take pictures of automobiles with falls as background exiting Yosemite. signed.
5 - Letter on Pillsbury Picture Company Stationary to Mr. David Sherfey. (handwritten)

Mr. David Sherfey, Yosemite

Dear Sir With this I am sending a sketch of out studio showing the changes I wish to make.

As I wish to be often this winter I want to build a fireplace for 4’ logs, as shown, then as the building is not wind proof I wish to cover it with tarred paper and then over that fasten stripes of cedar bark giving it a rustic finish.

My front porch (small card enclosed) I wish to make eight feet wider, taking in the oak tree, and have more rustic chairs and tables, to be used as a post card writing room, it was entirely inadequate this season, as it is almost the only place people should sit in comfort and write their cars, also to carry out the rustic effect in an artistic manner, I wish to make the pergola covering walk and tower extending out about twenty feet over our present walk, this would take away the barn like effect the studio has at present. and make it a most attractive place.

Also out dark room is small building in the read of the studio was too small this year. I wish to assign 10’ to one end ma,king the dark room that much larger. All of these improvements are necessary and will add to the general appearance of the place.

I wish to commence work at once and if the changes meet with your approval would thank you for a reply by wire so that I any use some of my present help on part of the work.
6 - Statement of account
July 1-31
Garbage disposal, 14 cans
at .12 1/2
$ 1.75
Electric light, 23 lamps at .66-2/3 (flat rate) 15.33
1-31 feed for 2 mules at 12.50 per month each
8 - TELEGRAM to Mark Daniels, General Superintendent National Parks, Belton Montana from Sovuleski, Supervisor, Yosemite.

Asking permission for ACPillsbury to proceed with requested improvements.
10 - TELEGRAM to Supervisor, Sovulewski, Yosemite from Mark Daniels. Asking that plans be forwarded
10 - Letter to R.W. Jeans from Supervisor Sovuleski, Yosemite, citing telegram and noting to the recipient that under separate cover a sketch of a proposed improvement to the studio of Pillsbury’s Pictures in the Yosemite Valley and enclosing copy of letter from ACP to Mr. David A. Sherfey, Resident Engineer of the Yosemite National Park, with two photos of the studio.
18 - TELEGRAM - from Mark Daniels to G. Sovuleski authorizing Pillsbury to begin work on dark room and other work not connected with exterior appearance of front at once delay caused by my absence in north exercise your discretion regarding subjects in your letter in my absence.
20 - Affidavit of Clarence L. Variel. Testimony of Clarence L. Variel.
26 - Affidavit of Lee C. Gates. Attorney for Title Insurance & Trust Co.
26 - Affidavit of J.F. Devin - Pull this testimony, looks interesting.
26 - Affidavit of James C. Rives. - He is the presiding judge of the Superior Court, in and for the County of Los Angeles, Department No. 2, and that he acted as the Judge of the court and department on the 16th day of November, 1911. - An order shortening time, stating that the Motion may be served no later than 2 p.m.,
Tuesday, November 14, 1911. - Notice of Motion to the Title Insurance & Trust Co. from A.C. Pillsbury. - Order
Shortening Time - same as last Time Order - Notice of Motion - Title
Insurance & Trust Co. To Title Insurance & Trust Co. mentions that A.C.
Pillsbury has adopted the minors. - Certification of
permission from AEtheline to the Adoption of the children. - Amended Petition from A.C. Pillsbury - Certification on Adoption from A.C. Pillsbury from Alameda Co.

Notarized Certification from AEtheline. - Notarized certification from Ernest Sargent, Jr. - Notarized Certification from A.C. Pillsbury on adoption.
Recognition of Adoption from Superior Court in Alameda County
29 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:5 ``A.C. Pillsbury returned Sunday from San
Francisco where he was attending to matters of business. Mr.
Pillsbury's motion picture films of Yosemite and the high Sierras measuring about 7,000 feet are nearly completed and will be places before the public this fall at one of San Francisco's best theatres. Which one will shortly be decided upon. These views will be featured with a lecture and will be sufficient to occupy the whole evening. Pillsbury's studio is to undergo extensive improvements before the opening of next season. A permit has been granted and work will begin at once."
26 - Affidavit of Lee C. Gates. Testimony mostly about the adoption and its inclusion as evidence. They had already prepared their strategy at this point of objecting to the exclusion by using the adoption. This sets it up for them. Included is an Order for Shortening Term. Notice of Motion, dated November 13, 1911 from A.C. Pillsbury. Other exhibits follow, including the adoption of minors by A.C. Pillsbury, November 14, 1911, Alameda County.
31 - TELEGRAM From Washington DC. Upon recommendation of General Supt, Daniels, you are authorized to permit moving picture outfit at Wawona to photograph automobile on fallen monarch upon condition that they promise in writing to furnish Department with one positive print thereof. B.O. Sweeney, Asst. Secretary
31 - TELEGRAM To Supervisor Sovuleski, Yosemite. Permission to allow moving picture outfit to photograph automobiles on fallen monarch at Wawona upon condition they promise in writing to furnish department with one positive print thereof. Signed, B. Sweeney, Asst. Secty.
5 - Stipulation - Stipulated matters of the settlement of bills of exceptions and statement of
the case, and motions are correct. Sets court date as October 19,
5 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:4 ``AC Pillsbury is at Wawona getting
views to complete the reels of Yosemite and the high Sierras;
mentioned in my letter last week. Mr. Curry has secured the exclusive use, south of the Tehachapi of a portion of this group of views and will give a series of lectures this fall on this most scenic portion of the world. From a residence here of Sixteen seasons Mr. Curry is thoroughly capable of handling his subject in
an interesting and instructive manner."
10 - Statement of account
Aug. 1-31 water, domestic use

$ 1.00
“ 1-31 garbage disposal, 13 cans at
“ 1-31 feed for 2 mules at 12.50 ea. per
“ 1-31 electric light: 10 100-watt lamps at 1.65
“ 27 4 cords cottonwood, cedar, young pines, 16”,l at $5. 20.00
“ 27 1 4-horse team, wagon & driver, 1/2 day, at $8. 4.00
“ 27 2-horse “ “ “ 1/2 “ “ $6. 3.00
12 - Mariposa Gazette - 1;3 ``The improvements of Mr. Pillsbury's
at the entrance to the village are taking definite shape. The
new veranda, 20 x50 feet in dimension, will be reached by a pergola where will be found rustic seats upon which the weary can find rest. Mr. Pillsbury is preparing for the rush of travel expected next
26 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:3 ``Yosemite Valley and the Sierra Club in the high Sierra were shown in moving pictures Saturday (Sept. 19) evening at
the Pillsbury Studio..."
(same films to be shown in S.F. during winter) ``The unnamed
waterfalls in
the region almost inaccessible discovered by Mr.
Pillsbury while he was
engaged in working out his moving picture
enterprises were shown as were the Water wheel falls..."
``Mr. (DA) Curry's initial lecture of a series on Yosemite and the High Sierras
will take place on October 16th in Los Angeles."
3 - Mariposa Gazette - 1:4 ``The Pillsbury and the Best Studios have closed down for the season." (written Sept. 29) Bests and daughter went to San Diego
and Mr. Pillsbury left Monday for San Francisco."
3 - Statement of account
Sept. 1-27 water, domestic use, at $1.00

1-27 garbage disposal, 12 cans, at .16

1-8 electric light; flat rate:

10 100-watt lamp at 1.65 mo. - $4.40

4 40-watt “ 0.67 “ 0.71 
9-27 electric light,, meter, 103 KWH at .10


6 poles, 8” butt, 10 & 12 ft. long .25 - 1.50

20 ‘ 4” ‘ 10 & 20 ft. “ .25 5.00

20 “ 8” “ 12 ft. “ .25 5.00

1 log 22” “ 14 ft. “ 1.00

20 poles 8” “ 14 ft. “ .25 5.00

15 “ 4” “ 14 ft. “ .20 3.00

6 4x4x20 O.P. at $45.. M


20 lbs 8d nails, at .04

Sept. 3 7 pcs. 4x4x18 rough O.P., - 149.3 ft.

1 “ 4x4x8 “ “ 10.66
12 “ 2x6x16 ‘“ “ 192.0

351.96 ft. at $45. M

20 lbs. 8d. mails at .04


10 pcs. 2x6x20 rough O.P. at $45. M

1-20 feed for 2 mules at 12.50 per mo. ea.

7 hrs. electrician’s labor installing meter, at .50
18th 9 hrs. “ “ running circuit for

stereopticon & dividing studio circuit at .50
18th electrical materials:

5 - Letter to ACP in San Francisco from G. Sovuleski giving permission to take pictures on fallen monarch.
5 - TELEGRAM - from ACP to Super, Yosemite, Sovuleswki
“Please send me a copy of telegram regarding motion pictures on fallen monarch. AC Pillsbury
16 - Letter for Dept. of Interior, James? Parloe?, Chief Clerk to Acting Super, Yosemite National Park. regarding permission given last March to PPC. of SF to take moving pictures in the park. Asking of they have received positive prints of all films taken. 

16 - Date scheduled for :``Mr. (DA) Curry's initial lecture of a series on
Yosemite and the High Sierras in Los Angeles."
19 - Affidavit - William A Nunlist gives testimony on behalf of the minors. Alleges that minutes from meeting in November of 1911 is incomplete and inaccurate. Says minors are actually present in the court in Los Angeles
This looks like an important document.
10 - Affidavit - William A. Nunlist is sworn. Says on September 24, 1913 at 7:10 p.m. he deposited a copy each of ``amended
petition of Minors to Set Aside for the Use of the Minors Certain Real Property as a Probate Homestead.
24 - Letter to ACP asking for a certified check for the $103.27 balance owing from September. To be received by Dec. 7th.
25 - Letter on Pillsbury Picture Company Stationary
Superintendent’s Office, Yosemite

Gentlemen: Yours regarding the films for the Department at hand. I have sent all of the views to the High Sierra and received an acknowledgment of them also and en extension of time for the others.

Regarding the bills sent me will send you a check in about a week. Times are had with me just now, have a a death in the family (my oldest son) and an expecting another any day (my mother) almost any day. So will be obliged to ask your indulgence in the matter for a short time.
30 - Letter from Supervisor Gabriel Sovuleswki, Yosemite, to Sec. of the Interior. Copy of AC letter dated Nov. 25th.
4 - Letter on Pillsbury Picture Stationary to Super. Sovuleski. (handwritten)

Gentlemen: Enclosed you will find certified check covering afc.

Very sorry to have kept you waiting but the delay was unavoidable.
28 - Notice of Appeal - Notice that there will be an appeal by AEtheline for the minors.

AC's experiment with the kite.