Early in the year - ES participated in what is believed to be the first organized auto run of 
any group of automobiles in California. Leaving on a Saturday morning 20 

motorists left downtown Los Angeles for San Bernardino. (see article in the Auto 

Club News. Dec 1975) Mrs. Pillsbury and their two children were along.
Monday morning found them in Ontario where the event ended by mutual agreement. 7 autos finished the race.
9 - An article is printed in Harper’s Weekly, titled “Cape Nome’s Wonderful Placer Mines” 
using photographs by A.C.
26 - Grace Sylvia P. (name was actually Sylvia Kress) born in San Francisco.
Pillsbury Panoramic View Co., in Seattle.
AC returned to California the same year and settled near ES in Los Angeles.
ES is listed in San Francisco at 813 O'Farrell.
Mary Abagail & Sylvanius Thurman are listed as members of First 

Congregationalist Church in
7 - Friday - (Clipping from Newburyport Daily News) ``PILLSBURYS MEET
HERE" Listing
of attendees includes Daniel S. Pillsbury of New York. Greetings were read from Harlin
Henry Pillsbury of San Francisco.
1 - Los Angeles Telephone Directory, printed from October 1 - October 1 lists
no Pillsbury's.
Article in the Auto Club News. Dec 1975 cites a road rally held earlier in the year. Mrs. Pillsbury and their two children were along. Monday morning found them in Ontario where the event ended by mutual agreement. 7 autos finished the race.
Ernest Sargent Pillsbury (ESP), older brother of Arthur C. Pillsbury, is listed in The Leland Stanford Junior University, First Annual Register 1891-92

Published by the University, June 1892. p. 118: Pillsbury, Ernest Sargent, from 

Auburn, major Physiology (also see p. 137 of Third Annual Register, (1893-1894)
U. S. Army cavalry unit arrives in park, headquartered at Wawona. The army is empowered to patrol and protect the park from poachers, stockmen,
sheepherders, fires, mining and other threats. Captain A. E. Wood is first acting superintendent.
Arthur C. Pillsbury (AC) starts Stanford; begins interest in photography.

AC - No listing; Palo Alto, nothing; bicycles, nothing.

C.B. Wing listed under Palo Alto. Wing is a Stanford professor of Mechanical Engineering, AC's Senior Adviser, and was, briefly, his father-in-law.
Sierra Club formed, John Muir is named as president.
19 - Great Register of Santa Clara - #10231, Ernest Sargent Pillsbury, age 24, 

5'71/2 ", fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair, no scars, occupation, student, born in Massachusetts. P.O. & residence in Mayfield.
20 - The Daily Palo Alto - ``42 students in Mechanical Engineering."
22 - The Daily Palo Alto - ``Names of the Students who have registered for the first 

time."Pillsbury, Arthur Clarence, Auburn, Cal.
6 - The Daily Palo Alto - 1:2 shows 94 students registered - his training etc.
27 - The Daily Palo Alto - 1:1 Short piece on C.B. Wing his training, etc.
4 - The Daily Palo Alto - ``Last year the Palo Alto wheelmen organized with about 

members and got uniforms. Where are they this year?... Not a week 

passes without a new wheel being added to the number already on the 

campus. etc No ref. to ACP.
10 - The Daily Palo Alto - 4:2 ``Troop I 4th US. Lt. Captain Woods [sic] 

commanding camped just outside the grounds last night returning for 

ES is listed in Santa Clara directory as a student, residence in Mayfield.
14 February 4:1 - The Daily Palo Alto - `` Pillsbury, `96 is at work during his spare time 

on a pneumatic tire safety bicycle, which, when completed, will weigh lonly 

eight pounds. The framework of the wheel is made in a somewhat 

novel way, and is of steel tubing. Pillsbury intends to make every thing in 

connection with the machine except the tires, which he will get ready made."
20 February - Mary Abagail Pillsbury married Sylvanius Thurman in Redlands , .California. Sylvanus owned
a cabin at Big Bear and was, at various times, in the lumber business, involved in transport to Big Bear,
and an orange grower in Redlands. No record of children of marriage They were there members of the
First Congregationalist Church of Redlands.

The A.K. Smiley Library in Redlands shows their address to have been listed as 

Crafton. Both the 1908 and 1912 Listngs give the Thurman's address as Allendale, 
Redlands. The two did have two residences: ( see notes on Mary Abagail for info)
27 February 4:1 - The Daily Palo Alto - ``Denman has been elected manager of the 

University of California football team for the season on `93."
16 March 3:1 - The Daily Palo Alto - ``A.C. Pillsbury, the Rambler agent, has suceeded in 

getting a fine 32 LB. no 4 Rambler as a sample wheel. It has the famous G & J pneumatics, which are
perfection. Call and examine it at the shop."
17 March 4:1 - The Daily Palo Alto - ``Pillsbury while working on the Daily Palo Alto 

press yesterday [Thursday] afternoon had his right hand caught in the
mechanism. The fore finger
was badly cut but Dr. Wood managed to stitch it up so it will not be lost. The injury was quite painful."
20 March 3;1 - The Daily Palo Alto - Ladies Rambler...weighs 37 lbs. Pillsbury Machine 

(ACP ads continue to appear)
ES is listed in Santa Clara directory as a student, residence in Mayfield.
1894 - AC had bike shop, Rambler Cyclery in Palo Alto. It is listed in the Santa Clara directory from `95 -
`97. Had a dark room rigged up in Encina Hall, in the
unfinished top floor while he was a student
No listing
12 October - Palo Alto News - ``Mr. Pillsbury, the cyclist, is building a one-story building just back of the
bank facing the circle to be occupied as a cyclery. We predict a good business for the gentleman as a
bicycle repository has long been needed here."
9 November - Palo Alto News - ``Professor Wing was in San Jose Tuesday night on business."
7 December - Palo Alto News - ``Pillsbury & Co. are making a new tandem bicycle one of the lightest
roadsters ever run was made by Mr. Pillsbury and is used by him daily. Its weight is 17 pounds.
``Dr. Harriet F. Pillsbury has removed from Auburn, Cal. to Palo Alto. She is a graduate of eminent
schools and is now the only lady physician on High Street."
14 December - Palo Alto News - ``Pillsbury & Co. have put down a good plank sidewalk in front of their
bicycle shop."
1895 - HH Family - Moved to Palo Alto. HF helps AC out in his shop.
Mayfield, nothing.
Advertisement - - Palo Alto - (page 576); Pillsbury, A.C. & Co. (A.C. Pillsbury 

and B.H. Lane) bicycles and athletic goods - Pillsbury, Arthur C. (page 

635 in
classified) Pillsbury, A.C. & Co., Palo Alto)
25 January - Palo Alto News - ``Dr. H.H. Pillsbury, from Auburn Cal., surprised his wife, Dr. 

Harriet Pillsbury, and his son, A.C. last Friday [18th?], by coming in on them unawares. He is
at present but will probably relocate."
1 February - Palo Alto News - ``The bicyclists have organized a club at Stanford."
1 February - Palo Alto News - `` Pillsbury & Co. are building a light tandem for the bicycle 

shop which will take place in San Francisco soon. Also a new light safety 

they will also exhibit."
15 February - Palo Alto News - ``Mr. A.C. Pillsbury was in San Francisco on Saturday."
1 March - Palo Alto News - ``Mrs. Dr. Pillsbury will be found hereafter at the Nissen Cottage on 

Channing street between Ramona and Bryant Street."
19 April - Palo Alto News - ``A.C. Pillsbury & Co. will build a large two story store and flat in 

the lot
occupied by their present store and the lot adjoining."

``Dr. H.H. Pillsbury drove down from that place [Auburn] arriving last 

Wednesday, and will hereafter make his home in Palo Alto.
10 May - Palo Alto News - ``Mr. A.C. Pillsbury has been in Auburn on business."
17 May, Friday - Palo Alto News - A.C. Pillsbury returned Tuesday from Auburn."
24 May, Friday - Palo Alto News - ``Next Wednesday, A.C. Pillsbury and Frank Watson, `95. 

Will leave for Yosemite and Kings River Valley on their wheels. They will carry with them their camping
outfits, consisting of aluminum cooking
utensils, 32 calibre rifle and shotgun combined, blanket, camera
and fishing tackle, whole outfit weighing about ten pounds apiece. They expect
to be gone about three
weeks and anticipate a pleasant trip. Mr. Pillsbury will ride a 16 -
pound rambler."
24 June - Palo Alto News - bicycle shoes made to ACP order by Cahn, Nicklesbury & Co."
28 June - ``Bernard H. Lane leaving today for Boston to visit parents."
Ernest Sargent graduates from Stanford.
AC quits Stanford
12 July - Palo Alto News - ``A.C. Pillsbury traveled 921 miles on his recent trip to the Yosemite and
River. He found several specimens of the famous Snow Plant in the mountains."19 July - Palo
News - ``The five-miles race between Pillsbury and
Downing of the Palo Alto Cyclists and
Gremmenstein and Ley, of the Redwood Wheelman, came off as announced last Monday
evening."``75 gathered to see finish Pillsbury cost second place. 12:45 time.``Pillsbury rode a
two gear..."
26 July - Palo Alto News - ``Mr. A.C. Pillsbury will take a run to La Honda on a wheel tomorrow."
``Dr. and Mrs. H.H. Pillsbury and Misses Della and Frankie Tucker left Thursday 
morning for a few days in La Honda."
``Dr. Pillsbury, although quite an old man, went on his wheel."
``Miss Frankie Tucker also rode bike."
9 August - Palo Alto News - ``Mr. G.H. Wilson has donated most of the water for the flowers
around the
circle, and Mr. Pillsbury has done the gardening."
``Bike race at Redwood City yesterday ACP won mile handicap in 2:32."
23 August - Palo Alto News - ``Miss Ella Wing gave a very pleasant reception in her home in block
fifty-eight Monday night in honor of her 17th birthday. Music and games ?"
20 September - Palo Alto Times - Bernard H. Lane returned from Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
``P.A. Cyclers met in Parkinson's Hall Tuesday evening - might build 1/3 mile race track."
1 November - Palo Alto Times - ``Pillsbury & Co. finished the tricycle for the Visalia gentleman and shipped
it on Tuesday. It only weighed thirty pounds and was a beauty."
28 November - Palo Alto Times - ``An Ingenious Piece of Work"
``...and it was for Mr. A.C. Pillsbury, our ingenious young bicycle man, to first introduce one
[microtome] of domestic manufacture." Microtomes used to cut insects so they can be seen in
microscope." (some on machine)
``The machine is indeed ingenious and when it is considered that the whole work of designing and
making the parts was done by Mr. Pillsbury at his own shop, it marks him as one with unusual
mechanical ability."
1896 - 22 July - Great Register of Santa Clara County, #6308 - Arthur Clarence Pillsbury; 

occupation, bicycle-dealer; age, 26; height, 5'51/2 "; light complexion; hazel eyes; light 
hair; no scars; born in Massachusetts; P.O. Palo Alto Palo AltoDirectory (page 635)
Pillsbury, A.C. & Co. (A.C. Pillsbury and B.H. Lane) bicycles and athletic goods. Pillsbury, 

Arthur C. (A.C. Pillsbury & Co.)

Pillsbury, Harlin H., Physician

(page 696 in classified) Pillsbury, A.C. & Co., Palo Alto
2 Sept - Arthur Young born.
10 October - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``The photo for the cut of the big tree [Palo Alto] which appears in 
this issue, was taken by A.C. Pillsbury, who is making some excellent views."
4 November - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Rev. P.R. Wing, and his daughter, Miss Ella Wing, will, in a few
days, return to his home in New York State."
``Rings and orange blossoms" (re ACP marriage.)
4 Nov. - AC married Ella C. Wing. Around this time AC buys an interest in a photography studio in 
Yosemite with J.Y. Boysen. He sells out when his marriage to Ella Wing fails.
Mayfield, nothing listed in directory.
16 December - Palo Alto Live Oak - (ACP to give prize to first person to purchase a `97 Rambler and a
subscription to the Live Oak.)
ACP as - Prize was Lantern and Cyclometer, value, $4.50.
Note: Encina Hall was on Stanford campus, related to Encina Wheelman?
23 December - Palo Alto Live Oak - (ACP's souvenir pictures of the University and Palo Alto in
demand. Suggest they make fine Christmas presents to send East,")
ACP ad - `97 Ranblers $80.00 `96 Ramblers $60.00 Second hand wheels $10.35.
30 December - Palo Alto Live Oak - List of building improvements made in 1896. ACP listed
``unknown contractors" - ``store Building of AC Pillsbury Circle 4700"
ad - Renting prices reduces in 1897 one-third - singles, 1hr. $.25, 3 hrs. $.50, 1 day, $1.00. 
Tandems, 1 hr. $.50, 3 hrs. $1.00, 1 day, $2.00.
1897 -Mayfield, nothing:
Palo Alto, (page 635) Pillsbury, A.C. & Co. (A.C. Pillsbury and B.H. Lane) bicycles and athletic goods
Pillsbury, Arthur C. (A.C. Pillsbury & Co.
June - ES Graduates from Cooper Medical College
2 June - Palo Alto Live Oak - Delinquent tax list for 1896.

AC Pillsbury & Co., part of lot 1, block 5 $10.90.
30 June - Palo Alto Live Oak - Photography Gallery - ``Franklin & Co. have arranged to build
gallery on the circle, adjoining the Pillsbury Building....The work on the building will be begun today."
21 July - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Prof C.B. Wing will leave in a short time for a brief vacation in Ogden."
4 August - ``Mrs. Ella Pillsbury has made arrangements to enter the Waldeck Hospital at San
Francisco, where she will take a two years course to prepare for the profession of a trained nurse."
11 August - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Dr. Harriet Pillsbury who has been spending the summer at Niles has
returned to Palo Alto."
``A.C. Pillsbury returned Sunday. [August 8]. He has spent the summer in Yosemite Valley doing
photographic work."
18 August - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Alaskan Lecture - Fernand de Journel, the celebrated
explorer, will
deliver a lecture at Nortree Hall on Saturday night of this week, his subject being `To the Yukon Gold
Fields - Klondike and how to get there.'... The stereopticon views will be especially interesting.
Admission 50 cents..."
28 August - Palo Alto Live Oak - (above lecture drew only small crowd, had only been to St.
Michaels, pictures were poor.")
1 September - Palo Alto Live Oak - (C.B. Wing returns from Ogden.")
8 September - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``It is reported that A.C. Pillsbury will leave in a few days to try
his fortune in the Klondike gold region."
22 September - Palo Alto Live Oak - ad H.H. Pillsbury, M.D. (Harvard) Physician and
Harriet F. Pillsbury, M.D.
Office and residence - Cor. University and Bryant Street.
(continues to run off and on.)
26 Sept. - ES married SB
10 November - Palo Alto Live Oak - W.S. Zeller or Maripose, had purchased lot at University and
Emerson streets to build bldg on.
24 November - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Mrs. [Ella] Pillsbury, who has been staying in San Francisco, has
been quite ill. She will return to Palo Alto as soon as she is able to
travel, to regain her health."
16 December - Baby boy Pillsbury is stillborn and buried in the Laurel Hill Cemetery. later transferred
to ? .
29 December - Palo Alto Live Oak - (ACP gave a Yosemite photo to newspaper)
1898 - ES is listed in San Francisco phone directory as: Ernest S. Pillsbury - physician, residence 1813
5 January - Palo Alto Live Oak - (Mr. Crandall of Syracuse moves to PA)
Mr. A.C. Pillsbury is making active preparation for his trip up the Yukon to the Klondike. He

has laid in a stock of about three thousand photographic plates and judging from the 

following letter, we may soon effect to see some of his pictures in print.
Text of Letter: San Francisco, January 3, 1898
Mr. A.C. Pillsbury, Palo alto
Dear Sir:
We should be glad to have pictures along the country between Victoria and Dyea and would like
to know on what terms you could furnish us with the material.
Yours respectfully,
Editor, The Wave.
(Closing out sale at ACP) a 1/2 page ad
Rambler Tandems 3 of them $32
Get your Stanford and Yosemite views. etc.
Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Bargains in wheels. In this issue appears the announcement of the closing out
sale of
A.C. Pillsbury. His stock includes a variety of bicycles, bicycle
supplies, fishing tackle and
Stanford and Yosemite views. Mr. Pillsbury is preparing to start for the Klondike some time this month,
and up
to the 15th will
make sacrifice prices on all his goods."
(full length of page - ad)
``Klondyke *** Yukon/ the North Pole and the Northern Lights/On account of my departure from
Palo Alto, I will close out my stocks of bicycles and bicycle sundries, fishing tackle, etc. at unheard of
prices. At prices that would make you
jump and the manufactures close the door. Rambler Tandems 3
of them $32. New `98 Rambler Ideals only a few $27.50 Second hand Ramblers $15 and up Get your
Stanford and Yosemite Views A.C. Pillsbury."
Ad - HHP & HFP
12 January - Palo Alto Live Oak - (F.L. Crandall has purchased ACP , including supplies)
ACP who intended to start for AK tomorrow has postponed until next Tuesday. He is having gasoline
launch remodeled."
16 January - ES Jr. born to Dr. ES and Sylvia Pillsbury.
21 January - Palo Alto Times - ``A.C. Pillsbury is offering for sale the negatives of his splendid
collection of Stanford photographs." [possibly those in Stanford Archives?]
26 January - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Gone to Klondike All departments of the former business of AC
Pillsbury will be continued by some experienced workmen. F.L. Crandall
25 January - Palo Alto Times - ``A.C. Pillsbury accompanied by his father, Dr. Harlin Henry
Pillsbury, leaves
tomorrow [Tuesday, January 25] for the mining regions of Alaska. Mr.
Pillsbury's gasoline launch will
be shipped to Seattle, from which place the launch will be employed as a means of conveyance to Dyea.
It is expected that this voyage will consume about a month's time. as stops will be made at a number of
Indian villages for the purpose of photographing. This ocean trip is a twenty-foot gasoline launch is
considered a perilous undertaking by many, but Mr. Pillsbury, who is skilled in handling the boat, laughs
at the idea of danger.

From Dyea the launch will be taken over the (sp? Chitroot) Pass by means of the 

gasoline engine and a tackle system which Pillsbury has invented. Mr. Pillsbury goes to 

the Klondike primarily as the representative of Eastern magazines with
mining as an incidental.

``He will not, however, refuse to interest himself in any gold bonanza which he may run
He is an expert photographer and carries with him the most complete photographic outfit yet taken into
the Klondike country. He has a liberal contract with Frank Leslies' publications for a series of views.

Dr. Pillsbury will probably return to Palo Alto next fall while Arthur plans to remain away
two years. The TIMES joins their host of friends in wishing them a safe and profitable trip."
28 January - Palo Alto Times - ``Harriet F. Pillsbury, M.D. Specialty Diseases of Women and Children
office and residence cor. University and Bryan St. Telephone N. 91
9 February - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Dr. H.H. Pillsbury and his son, Arthur, who left recently for Alaska,
are reported to have experienced some ill luck. They shipped their gasoline launch to Seattle by
Steamer and it got jammed and weakened through the middle, and the oil tank was injured. The
accident has delayed their start from Seattle and caused them considerable expense."
11 February - Palo Alto Times - ``Mrs. Ella Pillsbury who has been the guest of Miss Little for several
days returned to San Francisco this morning."
16 February - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``The report that A.C. Pillsbury's launch had been injured in
shipping proved to be an error. They left Seattle for the North last week."
27 April - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Harey Robinson received a letter last night [April 26] from A.C.
Pillsbury. He and his father ran on the rocks of St. Mary's Island, but succeeded in getting ashore. It
was a stormy night and they suffered considerably until picked up by a passing
vessel. Most of their
supplies were lost, but they had shipped goods to Juneau, to which point they proceeded to resume their
5 June - San Francisco Call- Article by ES on his discovery at Cooper Medical College. San
Francisco Call pg 17, col. 1. (full page article)
7 June - San Francisco Call, ``Dogmatism Against the Truth - Dr. Ernest S. Pillsbury Can 

No Longer Be a Member of the Cooper Medical Faculty." (Dr. E.S. Pillsbury was an 

instructor of bacteriology and discovered alkaloid of the bacilli tuberculosis. His 

theory was different than that of the college and that was the apparent reason they 

would no longer allow him to teach there.) pg 19, col. ?
11 June - AC and HH arrive in Wrangell, Alaska.
1 July - (microbes in a pinch of dust, apparently come on his work at the Cooper Medical College.) pg 19,
Col. 7.
The family of HH reportedly spend Christmas together that year. Mayfield, nothing; Palo Alto, 

nothing; classified, nothing.
10 August - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Dr. and Mrs. Pillsbury are in town today visiting friends, and may
locate here again. The Doctor returned from his Alaskan trip much improved in health. He said the
only misfortune they had was the loss of their launch in a squall. His son Arthur remained in Wrangel
where he is doing well with his photographic business."
19 August - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Pillsbury will resume practice at their office
in the
Pillsbury Building, next to the Palo Alto Bank."
26 August - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Dr. H H Pillsbury and Mrs. Dr. Pillsbury have opened an office in
the Pillsbury block, as may be seen by their card this week."
Card - Palo Alto Live Oak - Dr. H.H. Pillsbury hours 10 - 12; 4 - 5; 7 - 8; Dr. Harriet F Pillsbury,
Hours 10 - 12; 1 3; Pillsbury Building, Palo Alto."
9 September - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``Dr.. H.H. Pillsbury and Dr. Mrs. F. Pillsbury have opened a
sanitarium in the Pillsbury building block fronting the circle" Goes on to recommend it.
23 September - Palo Alto Live Oak - Ad for ``The Palo Alto Sanitarium " Pillsbury's Place. Terms: $10
- $30 a week. Box 257, Palo Alto Sanitarium. Special attention to maternity services.
25 November - Palo Alto Live Oak - Annulment ACP and Ella Wing
2 December - Palo Alto Live Oak - ``ACP brought home many fine AK photos... He had the good fortune
to procure from another picture taking exhibitor one of the finest photographic outfits that money and
skill can produce. He expects to return to Alaska after Christmas.
ES is listed in San Francisco phone directory as: Ernest S. Pillsbury - physician, residence 1813 McAllister.
The family of HH reportedly spend Christmas together that year.