Arthur C. Pillsbury Catalog
Numbered Images
This catalog covers images 1 – where ever he stopped taking photos in the Yukon. Evidently, Pillsbury cheerfully began a business with an individual whose last name was 'Cleveland' who proves to be a less than ideal business partner.
These photos were lost in the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire with his Studio, then located at:
No. 55 - Nome City Sept. 21. 99 A city two months old
No. 59 - Mouth of the Stickeen River, near Wrangall, Alaska ACP 59
No. 74 - Tlingit Chief Shakes' big house (interior), Wrangell, Alaska, 1898 A. C. P.
No. 85 - Tlingit Chief Kaschish and wife pose inside home, Alaska, 1898 A. C. P.
No. 105 – ACPillsbury (letters combined) Railroad Climbing Skagway Canyon, 1898.
No. 190 - Stamp operation, Treadwell Mine, Alaska, 1898. 190 A. C. P
No. 303 - Wagon Road near White Pass
No. and image provided by Dan Abrams
Bellefontaine, Ohio
No. 368 - Chilkoot Summit, Alaska, from the Scales, 1898. 368 A. C. P.
No. 374 - Halfway house between Canyon City and Sheep Camp, Chilkoot Trail, Alaska, 1898. 

374 A. C. P.
No. 377 – A. C. P. 377 Forest and tramway from Chilkoot Trail, Alaska, 1898.
No. 379 – A. C. P. 379 Dyea, Alaska, 1898.
No. 444 - Dancers at the Klukwan Potlach. Oct. 14. 1898. 444 A. C. Pillsbury
No. 407 - White Pass and Yukon R.R. Crossing Skagway River. Oct. 26. 1898.ACPillsbury (letters
No. 422 - Tlingit dancers at potlatch, Klukwan, Alaska, October 14, 1898 A. C. Pillsbury
No. 424 - Tlingit dancers at potlatch with painted boards, Klukwan, Alaska, October 14, 1898 A.
C. Pillsbury
No. 621 - Visiting Chilkats Watching Dance at the Klukwan Potlach. Oct. 11. 1898.
No. 622 - Dancers at the Klukwan Potlatch. Oct 14, 98. 622 A. C. Pillsbury
Tlingit wood carver known as Yucast in his studio, Alaska, 1898
Tlingit known as Chief Lot's big house (interior), Wrangell, Alaska, 1898 A. C. Pillsbury
Nome City from the beach near the NAT&T store.