Pillsbury Picture Company Catalogue
Numbered Images
This catalogue covers images 1 – 2000 and then 7000 up. A. C.’s body of work also includes several other series including colored post cards, the Legend of the Lost Arrow of L series, the White Fleet Series, the Stanford Rush Series, a series of movies, and the Y series of images
7001 and up
No. 7023 Spring Primroses
Postcard and print
No. 7108 Brockway, Lake Tahoe (Picture of a building)
No. 7125 Raymond Hotel, Pasadena (No supplied by Lynn Graesing)
No. 7438 NO CAPTION Card is of large bear and two cubs “copyright Pillsbury
Picture Co. 1910”
No. 7480 GLASS PLATE Cor Market O Farrell & Grant Ave
No. 7554 Fallen Leaf & Mt. Tallac
No. 7553 The Entrance to Emerald Bay
No. 7558 The Brook
BACK azo
No. 7568 A Bend in the Shore, Lake Tahoe P. P. No. 7568
Postcard BACK AZO
No. 7572 GLASS PLATE Olympic Club Annual Swim Jan. 1 12
No. 7696 Muir Woods
No. 7773 Phantom Ship of Crater Lake
No. 7776 Phantom Ship of Crater Lake (slightly different view)
No. 7820 Spring Primroses
No. 7826 Artist's Point (view of the Valley in the far distance)
No. 7861 Cypress on 17 Mile Drive
No. 7863 On the 17 Mile Drive
No. 7837 “Blown Sentinel Tree” BYU
No. 7864 On the 17 Mile Drive
Post Card BACK AZO
No. 7866 On the 17 Mile Drive
No. 7869 Vernal and Nevada Falls
No. 7871 Eucalyptus Tree, U of C Campus.
No. 7888 On the 17 Mile Drive
No. 7898 Coast at Point Lobos
No. 7899 Point Lobos
No. 7904 Brockway, Lake Tahoe
No. 7919 Arch Rock
No. 7924 Del Monte Lodge
No. 7993 (Wedding picture for Grace Pillsbury, Bride, Groom Arthur Young and their
attendants. )
No. 8188 “Cliff Cypress” Monterey
No. 8165 University of California from 1500 foot elevation
Post Card BACK AZO
No. 8206 “Sunbeams Among the Redwoods”
No. 8951 Half Dome, Yosemite, California
Post Card BACK AZO
No. 8954 Vernal Falls, Yosemite, California
Post Card BACK AZO
No. 10929 Wawona Tree
Post Card BACK AZO
No. 10984 Bridal Veil Falls Pillsbury Picture Co. No. 10984
No. 13310 Merced Lake P.P. Co. No. 13310
Postcard BACK AZO
No. 1414?
1906 Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite
10 1/2"by 13 1/2"
No. 14106 Query by Kanuse in MA copyright 1907 Pillsbury Picture CO.
No. 14205 Lower Yosemite Falls (or could be 6 instead of 0. Hard to read this #).
No. 14226
Upper Yosemite Falls 
5" by 13 1/2"
No. 14231
Happy Islands

10 1/2"by 13 1/2":

No. 14233
Mirror Lake

10 1/2"by 13 1/2":
No. 14236
The Domes of Yosemite (No. and title supplied by Jame Barrett)
No. 14276 Bridal Vail Falls 

5" by 13 1/2" 

No. 14304 Waimea Canyon from Puka Pele, Kauai Pillsbury Picture Co
#14304 From Print, 13.5" x 10.5" supplied by Arkady Agron
No. 14439 PANORAMA Vernal Falls Pillsbury’s Pictures
One reported in a triptych with El Capitan and Yosemite Falls. On the back of the photo the number, #2674 1, 2, 3, appear Rick Perez of the
No. 14468

No. 14387
Yosemite Falls
10 1/2"by 13 1/2":
No. 14443
Yosemite Fall 5" by 13 1/2"
No. 71199 Stevenson Home, Monterey No. 71199