AC starts the Pillsbury Picture Co. in Oakland, installs darkrooms in his home in Oakland.
18- The San Francisco Earthquake
Arthur C. Pillsbury is thrown out of bed in Oakland, grabs his cameras and heads for San Francisco, photographing the aftermath and then the fire with
Ansel Easton Adams falls down and flattens his nose at home.
13 - AC marries Aetheline Dueul in San Rafael, Marin County. Jesse Banfield was witness and ceremony was performed by a Congregationalist
ACP photographs the California Missions across the entire state.

AC purchases a photo studio in Yosemite from Harold A. Taylor and Eugene Hallett. The
studio was then called the Studio of the Three Arrows. The sale was
completed in 1907.
Oakland, Alameda & Berkeley Directory - p. Harlin H. P., physician, 4990 Dover.
Oakland, Alameda & Berkeley Directory - p. 862 ACP, President Pillsbury Picture Co.
Residence 4990 Dover, Harlin H. P., residence Dover. P.P. Co. ACP.
E.P. Horwood, Vice President and sales manager. Bertrand and York, General Manager.
Columm photographers Telegraph and 60th.
HH Death Certificate- 149 143 - Residence of Dr. Ernest S. Pillsbury, 130 No. Palm Ave.,
Hollywood, CA; Office address; N.W. Helleman, Los Angeles. CA.
Galen Clark publishes The Big Trees of California. Five of the twenty halftone illustrations in the book reproduced Fiske’s photographs.
20 - Mariposa Gazette - 4:1 ``Messrs. Pillsbury, Yorke and Taylor, of the Pillsbury Picture
Co., whose main office is in Oakland, left for the Valley yesterday, piloted by D.K.
Stoddard. Gorden Winton accompanied the party. They will `take pictures' along the route and
in the Valley, for the
15 – First scheduled full length run of the Yosemite Rail Road, carrying 12 passengers.
22- Earl A. Brooks turns 10 years of age.
26 11:30 am. - HH dies in Hollywood California (74 years of age) His
certificate is signed by Dr. Ernest S. Pillsbury, who states on the death certificate that
he has attended the deceased since November 30th and last saw him
that day. He lists the
deceased as having lived at 130 Palm Dr.,
28 - Body is cremated. Place of cremtion is L.A. Crematory.
Arthur C. Pillsbury photographs his fellow New Hampshire natives, George Fiske and Galen Clark, together in Yosemite. He makes, and gives them, post cards
Grandfather of Ansel Adams dies and the family lumber business fails through loss of 27 lumber ships and three mills in the preceding decade. Charles Adams
Mary Abagail Pillsbury Thurman & Syvanius Thurman are listed 

as members of the First Congregationalist Church in Redlands.
Oakland, Alameda & Berkeley Directory - p. 881 ACP, President Pillsbury Picture Co.,
Dover Pillsbury Picture Co., Bertrand L. York, Mnger.

Telegraph Ave. SW cor 60th.
Harriet P. (widow Harlin) rooms 4990 Dover
P.P. Co. ACP President,

Jesse T. Banfield, Sec. Telegraph 60th.
6 - AC White Fleet comes into San Francisco. AC Pillsbury is photographing from a secret location.
There are now approximately 8,000 movie theaters across the country.
Maternal grandfather of Ansel Adams, Grandfather Bray and his Aunt Mary Bray, come to live with the Adams family.
Mansion of Adams grandfather, “Unandilla,” burns to the ground.
Oakland, Alameda & Berkeley Directory - p. 881 ACP, President Pillsbury Picture Co.,
4990 Dover Pillsbury Picture Co., Bertrand L. York, Mnger.
photographs Telegraph Ave. SW cor 60th.
Arthur Pillsbury caught Galen Clark and George Fiske sitting outside at a table scattered with bottles of ink and papers. When postcards of the image were made, Clark presented one to Fiske, inscribing on the back: They call us “The Kids”….Galen Clark 96 years.
Pullman through service from Los Angeles to El Portal on Yosemite RR.
30 – AC Pillsbury photographs rebuilding of San Francisco from a tethered balloon in the harbor. It breaks free.
16 - Post card to Mrs. George Collins, East Auburn, Placer Co., Calif. From Lottie; mailed from Kansas.


Dear Cora: - I am sending by this mail a little book
by VanDyke as my christmas 

present to you. It is a beautiful little story & I hope you will like it. A

Christmas & a Happy New Year to you & the rest of the Collins. Lovingly, Lottie
First filming, and showing of nature movie in Yosemite by Arthur C. Pillsbury.
Oakland, Alameda & Berkeley Directory - p. 708 ACP residence 644 Benvenue Ave.
p. 1454 Berkeley P.P. 2141 Center.
10 – AC Pillsbury is in Los Angeles with his brother, Ernest S. Pillsbury and his family
photographing the San Dominguez Air Show from his balloon,
the Fairy. First photograph
from ship to ship.
25 - Post Card from Belinda Collins in Kansas, to Mrs. George Collins, East Auburn,
Placer Co. California.


My dear sister: - Here’s to you and your “family”. I will be here two weeks yet 

anyway. They expect Maud next week. Would be glad to get a letter

you. They are as good as a tonic. Wish I could squeeze the children. How is your 

husband behaving? Will write later. With
Love Belinda
2 - Post card a picture of building in Kansas. To: Mrs. Geo. P. Collins


I had a letter from Sylvia saying that Ernest expects to take me into the office 

when I get there. I will look
over the land and let you know all about it.
I don’t 

know what Auburn holds for me. I have developed a big streak of independence 

the last year and don’t want any beholding jobs but it is not a
bad idea to 

take what you can get. Will start from here Feb. 14 or 15. M and expected 

Friday. De Trude comes tomorrow from Oklahoma. Write if
24 - Galen Clark dies. Fiske’s camera recorded the proceedings of Clark’s funeral in Yosemite on April 2nd. Fiske served as Clark’s executor through mid-May. Galen Clark’s third book, The Yosemite Valley, published posthumously. 21 halftones from Fiske’s photographs illustrated the book.
Article: – Sunset Magazine – Article appears written by AC Pillsbury on the San 

Dominguez Air Show in Los Angeles.
30 - Post card to Miss S. Grace Pillsbury at East Newport, 

Calif. On a Private
mailing card. Back
imprinted with Independent Order of 

membership 250,000 

__________Surplus $16,000,000.00