28 – Harry Cassie Best and Miss Anne Rippy are married at the foot of Bridal Veil Falls in Yosemite.
31 - Angel's Flight is institutedLA Phone Book - p. 693. Pillsbury, Arthur C., photographer, business at 214 S. Broadway also
at that address is `Whittaker,
W.P, - pictures.'
ACP roomed at 212 S. Briadway. Directory (p. 980) lists there and ``Moore, A.E., furnished
ES is listed in the Los Angeles directory as `physician, Wilcox Bldg, 206 S. Spring, Rm. 360, 

residence 2646 Vermont Ave.
LA Telephone Book - Pillsbury, AC, 214 S. Briadway, photographer (Note: ACP not listed in alphebetical section, so his residence is not given, only his
LA Telephone Book - p. 1256: 214 S. Briadway
Pillsbury, A.C., photographer
Whittaker, Wm. F., pictures
Reynolds, Meric,, jr., pictures
Kringel, F.W., piano tuner.
LA Telephone Book - p. 881: Harlin H. Pillsbury, physician, residence at 1206 S. San Pedro
15 - Clipping: Mount Vernon, New York. Daniel Sargent Pillsbury, for 40 years a stationaire, printer and whole sale paper dealer in New York City with offices formerly 686 6th Avenue and later at 25 Maiden Lane. Died this morning at his home on Chester Hill, Mount Vernon. The cause of death was heart disease brought on by an attack of the grippe. Mr. Pillsbury had a hobby of the collection of brass musical instruments and owned the largest and most complete assortment of them known to artists in the world. Part of his collection consisting of 175 instruments had recently been on exhibition at Chickerings in Boston. Mr. Pillsbury had nearly as many more instruments and musical curios in his Mt. Vernon home. Mr. Pillsbury leaves a wife and
Church assisted by Rev. Owen B. Lovejoy of the First Congregational Church. Burial was temporary at Woodlawn. End Clipping. Two daughters of Daniel
S. Pillsbury were Annie M. and Millie S.

Letter from Dr. HH Pillsbury to Church in Hampstead.
My first membership was with the First Congregational Church at Hampstead. Soon after our marriage we both united with the Kirk St. Church of Lowell, Mass. Two years later we joined Dr. Marvin's church at Medford Mass. and were members of this church for 16 years or more. Removing to Brooklyn, New York we with our oldest daughter became members of the Lee Avenue Congregational Church under the pastoral of Dr. Edward Eggleson. Ten years later, 1883, on account of the ill health of our daughter Carrie, we located at Auburn California. Our membership continued with this church 18 years. Our two sons became members at Auburn and as they were educated at Stanford University we were located in that vicinity for several years and became members of the Third Congregational Church at San Francisco and for one year members of the Congregational Church at Oakland. At present we are members of the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles. This is a large church with a membership over 1,000 has two pastors, Dr. Day and his son. But whether in a
Lake Tahoe, California.
20 – Ansel Adams born in San Francisco at 114 Maple Street. The only child of Olive and Charles Adams
First full-time theater for motion pictures established in downtown Los Angeles. Thomas I. Talley's storefront is the first permanent US theater to
John Muir appears in photo for Camera Craft Magazine, photographed by Arthur C. Pillsbury.
Harry Cassie Best opens studio on Main Street in Yosemite Village selling fine art.
AC returns to San Francisco. and works on the San Francisco Examiner as a 

photographer until 1906. The offer comes from Mr. Williams.
ES (office same as 1902) residence in Hollywood.
Eugene Hallett and Harold A. Taylor build the Studio of the Three Arrows in Yosemite. In 1906 they sell to Arthur C. Pillsbury.
14-16 - TR & John Muir Camping in Yosemite
Arthur C. Pillsbury photographs the president and Muir in Yosemite
Establishment of permanent patrolling stations, manned by 4 - 6 men each, enabling men to more thoroughly patrol and guard the park.
Adams family home is completed in San Francisco at 129 24th Street, in the sand-dune areaoerlooking the Golden Gate.
18 - Virginia Rose Best born to Harry and Anne Best.
May – Fire consumes the home and studio of George Fiske in Yosemite. It had grown over the years and then consisted of a one-story residence (three rooms, a cellar, and an attic), workrooms, a storehouse, a woodshed, a carriage house, stables, a chicken house, and a privy. The commissioners reduced his rent to $1.00 for the year. He begins to rebuild his little Valley estate. Myra Fiske had employed an old full-blooded Yosemite Indian called “One-Eyed Dick” to do her housework and laundry.
11 - Arthur Francis P. born in Hollywood
HH & HF are living in Los Angeles with ES having attended the birth of Arthur. There 

were three physicians present at his birth, his father, Dr. Ernest
Sargent Pillsbury, his grandfather, Dr. Harlin Henry Pillsbury, and his grandmother, Dr. Harriet Foster Pillsbury.
George Fiske loses most of his camera equipment to fire in Yosemite.
30 – Article in the Mariposa Gazette announces that the building of the road bed for the Yosemite Rail Road will commence immediately.
“Colonist Rates to California” (Advertisment in the Mariposa Gazette, same day)
“Will be in effect every day Feb. 15 to April 7th, and Sept. 15th to October 31, 1906, from all points to the east and south.
Following are a few:
Chicago…….$33.00 to Kansas City & Leavenworth…….…$25.00
St. Louis……$300 to San Joseph & Atchinson……………..$25.00
Galveston…...$26.45 Council Cliffs & Omaha…………….$25.00.
Dallas, Houston and Ft. Worth………………………………$25.00
Nearly all points in Kansas, Oklahoma & Indian Territory….$25.00
Colonist rates are also in effect between all points east of Chicago and south of the Ohio River.
Santa Fe agents in California will take deposits of money to cover price of tickets, which will be promptly furnished to passengers at any point from
which rates are in effect.
California illustrated literature mailed free to any address or may be had from Santa Fe representatives.
Colonist tickets are honored in tourist sleeping cars which run via the Santa Fe to Los Angeles and San Francisco.