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1895 - What ACP is doing.
Arthur Clarence Pillsbury is attending Stanford University along with his older brother, Ernest Sargent Pillsbury. Their parents, Drs. Harlin Henry and Harriet Foster Pillsbury, had moved to California from New York in 1883 to establish a medical practice in Auburn California. With them they brought the first two microscopes in California.
Who AC was is a question with many answers. He was a dutiful son who spent much of his life in close contact with his parents and brother. He was part of a larger extended group of family and acquaintance who continued to be active on issues such as women’s suffrage. He possessed an inquiring mind and had always been fascinated with understanding the world around him. His first venture into commerce had taken place in Auburn; raising and selling exotic birds. At Stanford, he helped pay for is education by opening a bicycle store. He build bicycles, designed and built the first motorcycle in California, to the chagrin of the mores staid inhabitants on campus. Soon, he ws running a combined shop, selling and building both bicycles and cameras. .
Mayfield, nothing.
Advertisement - - Palo Alto - (page 576); Pillsbury, A.C. & Co. (A.C. Pillsbury 
and B.H. Lane) bicycles and athletic goods - Pillsbury, Arthur C. (page 
635 in classified) Pillsbury, A.C. & Co., Palo Alto
25 January - Palo Alto News - ``Dr. H.H. Pillsbury, from
Auburn Cal., surprised his wife, Dr. Harriet Pillsbury, and his son, A.C. last Friday [18th?], by coming in on them unawares. He is visiting at present but will probably relocate."
1 February - Palo Alto News - ``The bicyclists have organized a club at Stanford."
1 February - Palo Alto News - `` Pillsbury & Co. are building a light tandem for the bicycyle shop which will take place in San Francisco soon. Also a new light safety which they will also exhibit."
15 February - Palo Alto News - ``Mr. A.C. Pillsbury was in San Francisco on Saturday."
1 March - Palo Alto News - ``Mrs. Dr. Pillsbury will be found hereafter at the Nissen Cottage on Channing street between Ramona and Bryant Street."
19 April - Palo Alto News - ``A.C. Pillsbury & Co. will build a large two story store and flat in the lot occupied by their present store and the lot adjoining."`Dr. H.H. Pillsbury drove down from that place [Auburn] arriving last Wednesday, and will hereafter make his home in Palo Alto.
10 May - Palo Alto News - ``Mr. A.C. Pillsbury has been in Auburn on business."
17 May, Friday - Palo Alto News - "A.C. Pillsbury returned Tuesday from Auburn."
24 May, Friday - Palo Alto News - ``Next Wednesday, A.C. Pillsbury and Frank Watson, `95. Will leave for Yosemite and Kings River Valley on their wheels. They will carry with them their camping outfits, consisting of aluminum cooking utensils, 32 calibre rifle and shotgun combined, blanket, camera and fishing tackle, whole outfit weighing about ten pounds apiece. They expect to be gone about three weeks and anticipate a pleasant trip. Mr. Pillsbury will ride a 16 - pound rambler."
24 June - Palo Alto News - bicycle shoes made to ACP order by Cahn, Nicklesbury & Co."
28 June - ``Bernard H. Lane leaving today for Boston to visit parents."
Ernest Sargent graduates from Stanford.
Arthur C. Pillsbury businesses in Palo Alto, California