1871 Muir meets Ralph Waldo Emerson in Yosemite Valley. John Conway builds a trail from La Casa Nevada to Little Yosemite VAlley. Conway also begins work on the Four-mile Trail to Glacier Point, completed in 1872. Central Pacific Rail Road built to Berenda. 1872 Grant precludes private ownership of land within the Valley. Suits are filed, continuing until 1874. James McCauley's four miles of zigzagging horse trail completed to the top of Yosemite's Glacier Point. Conway builds a stage road on the north side of the Merced River in Yosemite Valley. James McCauley starts the Fire Fall from Glacier Point. Central Pacific Rail Road built into Merced. June
Muir meets Ralph Waldo Emerson in Yosemite Valley.
John Conway builds a trail from La Casa Nevada to Little Yosemite VAlley. Conway also begins work on the Four-mile Trail to Glacier Point, completed in
Central Pacific Rail Road built to Berenda.
Grant precludes private ownership of land within the Valley. Suits are filed, continuing until 1874.
James McCauley's four miles of zigzagging horse trail completed to the top of Yosemite's Glacier Point.
Conway builds a stage road on the north side of the Merced River in Yosemite Valley.
James McCauley starts the Fire Fall from Glacier Point.
Central Pacific Rail Road built into Merced.
8 - George H.(8) Pillsbury marries Mary A. Boyden, of Lowell.
5 - Measure is passed against subsidizing the Southern Pacific for
bringing rail line into Los Angeles.
Conway builds Eagle Peak Trail to the base of the Upper Yosemite Fall.
18 - Annie C. Born to Emma L.P. Lane & Stephen P. Lane. Will become a 
A music teacher of piano.
4 - Daniel P. Married Mary F. Goldwaite of Medford Mass Married Sarah J. Tisdale of 

Middleton Mass. 2 daughters. Anne Mary and Mildred Sarah by first
Coulterville Road reaches floor of Yosemite Valley
27 - Boyden H(9)Pillsbury born in Lowell, MA to Dr. George H(*)Pillsbury & Mary A. 

Big Oak Flat Road is completed.
Hutchings has a wooden boardwalk/roadway built from Hutchings House up the Valley floor, toward the east. Hutchings also has a horse trail built up Indian
Canyon. This rapidly falls into disrepair as it is very difficult to maintain the trail.
Government asserts right to own all land within the Valley, using eminent domain to force out homesteaders. All business is thereafter controlled by the state
in the from of 'concessions.'
Franchises for first two street railways in Los Angeles. Horse car lines, the 6th and Spring, and
the Main Street line.
Letter from Mary Abagail Pillsbury who is secretary for Benjamin L. Pillsbury in Hampstead
NH. on the occasion of a class letter for Mt. Holyoke. She says, “My
life for the past ten years has been a very happy one. I have been at home, an amanuensis for my father,l who by accident a few years ago partially lost his
eyesight. Thus together with visiting my friends scattered here and there, quite often, I have led a pleasant and not altogether unprofitable life I hope. I shall be
very glad to hear from the rest of the class of ‘65. With love to one and all. Your classmate, M. Abbie Pillsbury.” Notes from Hampstead publications also note
that she was a school teacher and Sunday School teacher during this period.
Hutchings is paid $24,000 for his property in the Valley by the State of California. Property is leased by A. J. Murphy.
School is provided in Yosemite Valley.
June - Wawona Road, coming from the south, completed north of Mariposa Grove.
22 -Hutchings is evicted from his holding in the Valley. He moves his family to a building near Lower Village. He runs it as a hotel until late October
then removes to his mother-in-law's home in San Francisco. George W. Coulter and A. J. Murphy become the proprietors of the hotel.
July - Wawona Road completed into the Valley.
13 - Grace May Pillsbury, daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Harlin Henry Pillsbury, dies in Medford, Massachusetts. Cause of death is listed as Cerebral Disease.
10 - Sophia Pratt, wife of Dr. Harlin(8)Pillsbury, dies in Billerica, MA.
19 - George A. (9)Pillsbury born in Lowell, MA to Dr. George H(8)Pillsbury & Mary A. Boyden Pillsbury.
Sentinel Hotel built by George W. Coulter and A. J. Murphy.
J. K. Barnard Takes over Sentinel Hotel, also known as Yosemite Falls Hotel.
Dr. Harlin Pillsbury, son of Samuel & Mary Currier Pillsbury, dies in Billeries, MA.
24 - Nathan Foster, father of Harriet Foster Pillsbury, dies in North Andover, MA. Leaves a sizable estate. Harriet inherits 10 shares of stock in the
bank. (see probate documents, North Andover file)
A. Harris establishes first public campgrounds in Yosemite Valley.
18 Mary R. Born to Emma L. P. Lane & Stephen P. Lane. Will ceome a graduate of Mt. Holyoke College, a principle at the grammar school at Hinsdale.
23 - Benjamin L. dies at E. Hampstead Mary Jane Plummer Sargent Pillsbury, was widowed and removed to live with her daughter in Hyde Park, MA.
Mary and her husband, Benjamin Lewis Pillsbury, are spoken of as both being teachers at public schools in their early lives. They maintained a high
school in their own home in later years hiring and overseeing the teachers. Mary taught Sunday school for 41 years. They were of the Puritan faith.
John Muir's friends persuade him to return to civilization.
George Fiske takes up residence in Yosemite near the base of Sentinel Rock.
4 - Stephen Tyng Mather born in San Francisco.
20 - Dolly(7)Pillsbury dies in Candia, NH.
Harriet Foster Pillsbury graduates from the Women's Infirmary of New York. The family is living in Brooklyn.
John Muir marries Louisa Strentzel in Martinez, California
J. M. Hutchings appointed Guardian of Yosemite Grant.